Monday, May 08, 2006

mr. ed

i took this picture sunday afternoon from my living room window. this cowboy, with his passenger, was riding his horse down the middle of the street, past my house.

i don't know why, but it always makes me feel good to see someone riding a horse. it's reassuring somehow. you have to love a mode of transportation that can make a good 20 miles a day on water and grass. and no stops at the conoco station.

it made me think that come a complete breakdown in mechanized society and/or the sucking dry of the world's fossil fuel reserves, i'll be stuck here with both a car and truck in the driveway that i won't be able to give away. and this guy will be able to go wherever he wants to go. if there is anyplace left to go.

note the four gas hogs in the background.

1 comment:

Robert Lewis said...

According to Robert Bertholf, Charles D Abbott Scholar-In-Residence and former curator of The Poetry Collection at the University of New York at Buffalo, poet Ed Dorn “was going to write a play called Crank It Back, which was a review of the transportation system in 1876, proposing the system, mainly built on railroads and waterways, was more efficient than interstate highways."