mothra was the guardian of an ancient race of tiny humanoids named the cosmos who lived on earth. she lay dormant for many years, but apparently is back.
True enough, sir, but The Cosmos civilization became very advanced and then the Zen of Earth Lifeforce created Battra to kill Mothra and wipe out the Cosmos.
Although Mothra defeated Battra, the civilization of the Cosmos still crumbled and Mothra lay dormant for many years.
Mothra maintains a close telepathic contact with two small fairies [I'm not gonna touch this with a 10' pole]. Its behavior patterns and communication abilities indicate an above average level of intelligence [for a giant moth].
True enough, sir, but The Cosmos civilization became very advanced and then the Zen of Earth Lifeforce created Battra to kill Mothra and wipe out the Cosmos.
Although Mothra defeated Battra, the civilization of the Cosmos still crumbled and Mothra lay dormant for many years.
Mothra maintains a close telepathic contact with two small fairies [I'm not gonna touch this with a 10' pole]. Its behavior patterns and communication abilities indicate an above average level of intelligence [for a giant moth].
bizarre. very very bizarre...
yesterday i posted almost this exactly. check us out.
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