Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Le fish

We caught a bunch. That's Peter on the right. He likes those grey sleeveless t-shirts. Me, I'm a white t-shirt kind of a guy. That's me on the left.


Zoë said...

My, my, my- aren't you and Peter just the most handsome men this side of the St. Vrain!


Glad to hear you didn't get skunked.


Hollie said...

Dang, you're kind of lucky Peter's already got himself a ladyfriend.

Kidding. Of course I prefer the gray.

Hollie said...

White, of course. I meant I prefer the white.

Second Skin said...

This whole situation is funny to me! I discreetly asked Zoe if that was a real picture of the two of you. Then I laughed. You never know! Brains and wit come in all packages!