Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why I'm starting to write about food again

Today, in the New York Times there was an article about a woman who started a diary in 1998 about what she ate for dinner every day. I'm looking for a book topic and I'm stumped, so I'm going to borrow her idea and start writing about what i make for dinner and hopefully, about food in general again. Maybe something will come to me.

(I've bailed on my stagiaire.org website and i'm going back to my first blog (bad_guitar) as a kind of fresh start.)

I bought my umpteen-thousandth cookbook the other day--yet another Asian cookbook--and it told me (they do talk to me. In fact there's a book...What the Cookbook Told Me To Make,) to make sushi. (By the way, a book about cookbooks is also high on my list. I certainly have enough of them to be at least more of an expert than most people.)

I had thrown out my sushi rice during an infestation of pantry moths a year or so ago, so I drove to Boulder for a bag at the Asian market. Some young kid was behind the counter instead of the Wicked Witch of the East who usually is there. A sour, middle-aged Asian woman, she's not had a nice word for me in 15 years of shopping there. So a good omen for my sushi, which I need, since I've never been all that good at it.

So tonight, I'll try to make sushi and hopefully start posting more consistently about what i cook--and why.

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