Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Royale with cheese

I had a rehearsal in Denver last night so i ate on the run. A #1 combo from Burger King. Why, I can't really tell you. I know this food sucks. That's it's the kind of corporate fast-food garbage that is killing people. And is everything I hate about the global food industry.

But I'm in late. I'm hungry. It's cheap. And, inexplicably, the shit tastes good.

But the rush of the salty fries, the mayonnaise-ey hamburger, the tingle in the back of the throat from the sugary soda does not outweigh the waves of guilt that wash through my brain. And the extra layer of fat that gets added my already disgusting waistline.


Second Skin said...

Now I know where she gets it. You are great. Congratulations on blogging again.

patrick said...

hey, thanks. i'm awfully proud of her and her blog. she's inspired me to get back to it.